Years Before the Blast'
Experimental Bloomery Iron
Smelting 2001 - 2024
with Neil Peterson
ISBN : 978-1-0691597-5-5
March 2025
This 212 page volume is a survey of 101 iron smelting tests
by the author and his working team, presented in a more
formal academic style. Includes assessments of furnace
builds, air systems, ore types and bloom qualities. There
are overviews of four major experimental series; iron smelt
in Vinland, Icelandic turf walled furnaces, the Turf to
Tools project, and Norse Bellows equipment.
8 1/2 x 11 paperback format, 99 colour colour photographs,
25 illustrations, 48 charts and graphs.
companion to 'Basics of Bloomery Iron
of Bloomery Iron Smelting
ISBN : 978-1-0691597-2-4
January 2025
This 201 page book outlines the history and functioning
methods learned from two decades using small scale smelting
furnaces. Topics include ores, furnace builds, air systems,
tools, record keeping, and the final bloom to bar. Includes
operating instructions for three different furnaces,
everything you need to understand the theory and practice of
bloomery iron smelting.
With 115 illustrations and colour images (8.5
x 11", colour)
companion to '20 Years Before the


Sod Walled Bloomery Furnaces
based on the remains at Háls
with Neil Peterson
ISBN : 978-1-0691597-0-0
December 2024
This 123 page report details 11 experimental
bloomery iron smelts, running from 2007 to 2024. It
describes how the archaeology at Hals was interpreted into
a possible working system and provides an overview of how
individual elements were tested and combined for sucessful
iron production, with 44 images and 13 illustrations. (8.5
x 11", colour)
Iron Smelting in
Converting archaeological evidence
to a practical method
ISBN : 978-0-9783284-7-4
November 2024
This 90 page report details 14 experimental bloomery iron
smelts, running from 2001 to 2022, all based on aspects of
the first iron smelt in North America, at L'Anse aux
Meadows, Newfoundland about 1000 AD. Includes an analysis of
the archaeological evidence and 49 images and figures. (8.5
x 11", colour)


I wish someone had told ME that!
ISBN : 979-8882146145
April 2014
This 160 page book is a guide to how to get started right,
covering how to pick the correct tools, set them up, and
working safely. Not a 'how to make objects' book, but
insights from decades as a professional artisan blacksmith
and teaching experience. Sure to save you time, money,
effort - and avoiding the same mistakes * I * made when
starting out! (6 x 9", B&W)


Turf to Tools
A Final Summation
with commentary by
Deirdre O’Mahony
ISBN : 979-83215146-1-0
April 2024
A richly illustrated 76 page report on the Turf to Tools
project, from 2013 - 23 at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop
and the Wareham Forge. The project combined archaeology,
practical experience, and artistic elements over 8
individual bloomery iron smelts and object creation. (8.5 x
11, colour)


How Dense Are You?
Recording Bloom Density
from experimental iron smelting
with Neil Peterson
ISBN : 978-0-9783284-6-7
February 2024
This 46 page report details 30 iron blooms, all made during
during investigations into Viking Age smelting methods, and
compares them to a number of artifact blooms from Norway.
Potential effects of ore types, air volumes, compaction
efforts, and working experience is charted. (8.5 x 11",