On Blacksmithing - Information and Articles

I get a LOT of requests for information related to blacksmithing.
For that reason I have added this section of resources for smiths (or the merely interested).


(Now available on the main Wareham Forge site.)

Defining the Artist Blacksmith

A commentary on Terminology and Tradition
Originally on the Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association web site.
"Will you take an Apprentice?"

A commentary on the reality of the single person studio
Originally Seen on my blog Hammered Out Bits
A Career as an Artist Blacksmith?

Considering a Life as an Artist
A short article originally published on the Squido web series .
Teens as Students?

Some wisdom on the physical demands - and hazards, of working in as a blacksmith.
Wrought Iron Work?

What it really is - and what it really means!
On Buying an Anvil
Some information on what to look for
From my original GeoCities blog

Suppliers & Internet Sources

This is a short list of some of the most useful suppliers and sources for the beginning Blacksmith - a list I compiled for students of my 'Introduction to Blacksmithing' course. Centred on Ontario, but many of the suppliers have internet sites.

There is now a special section of the web site devoted to
- experiment reports, guides and commentaries.

Other Artisan Blacksmiths

I have added a few links to other artisan blacksmiths and organizations


Artisan Blacksmith Friends

Added to my links to other artisan makers. A short list only - these are friends that I think do exceptional work

Quad State Roundup

Quad State is a great regional blacksmith's conference. It is held annually in Troy Ohio by the Southern Ohio chapter of ABANA. Normally its the 4th weekend in September (about the 25th). I consider this one of the best values in smithing education. Four demonstrators are selected mainly for their ability to DEMONSTRATE (rather than just their fame). Always : Traditional Work / Bladesmithing / Contemporary (often air hammer) and Non Ferrous Metalwork. Open teaching stations. HUGE tool swap area. Cost for the weekend is roughly $ 50 US. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


(Short Cut HERE back to the site index / map.)

Of interest to Blacksmiths at the Wareham Forge

Courses Training DVDs Iron Smelting Smithing Articles Smithing Sources

Text © 2002 Darrell Markewitz
All banners and icons stolen from the sites they represent!