PAST WORK by the Wareham Forge,
the work of Artisan Blacksmith Darrell Markewitz of
Ontario Canada. Representing some 40 years of hand forged metalworks, ranging from historically accurate reproductions, functional tools and blades, decorative and sculptural objects. Many unique objects have yet to find a treasured home. |
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pull out guide |
Past Artworks
Currently Available Over a lifetime as an artisan, you can expect to gather a collection of objects, which for one reason or another, never find the owner you had hoped for. Selling a thing is a much different skill than Making a thing. I am like most artisans - at heart a Maker, not a salesman. This is rarely a comment on the quality of the object, or the originality of its design. Most often it is a measure of just not being able to physically place a piece where just the right person will see it, and connect with it.
An attempt will be made to keep the
offerings current.
In some cases, the descriptions here refer to the current appearance of the object. Expect ongoing changes... |
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Funeral Urn'
forged and fabricated wrought iron, forged copper plate Fall - 2008 $1200 interested? |
" The body of the urn is composed of a
number of individually hand forged strips of antique
wrought iron ... Actual historic wrought iron has been
chosen for the construction because of its excellent
forging characteristics and special durability. The metal
itself is already some 150 years old — and should easily
endure for centuries more. A fitting resting place for the
memories of one past beyond us. " (from the catalogue description for 'Segmented Urn' for the exhibit 'Grave Goods') As finished, the piece weighs 17 kg (that's almost 40 lbs). It stands 38 cm tall and is about 23 cm wide (15 x 9 inches). The inner volume is a cylinder roughly 25 cm tall by 10 cm diameter = 2500 cc (10 x 4 inches). The complete description of 'Segmented Funeral Urn', with notes on its creation, can be found HERE. |
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'Spine Bench' Hallucigenia # 2 forged mild steel / Paduk wood top Summer 2010 $700 interested? |
The inspiration for 'Spine Bench'
started with seeing fish skeletons washed up along a beach.
Imagine a series of curved ribs, linked along a spine. But
here the creature has not yet developed a boney spine like
modern animals, but instead has a cable like nerve cord,
twined together to permit maximum flexibility. The
individual ribs are made from aggressively forged flat bar.
To finish, the metal is painted a dark chocolate brown. Initially the piece had a top of 3 inch thick solid pine, but a better balance was found with a thinner single plank of African Paduk wood. One end of the plank had been eatten away by termites, a distortion that adds to the primitive feel of the table. The finished table stands about 18 inches tall, with the top about 15 inches wide by 48 long (38 x 40 x 120 cm) |
'Massive' series Interested? range of sizes and shapes : $45 to $90 |
![]() 'Compacted' series Interested? range of sizes and shapes : $45 to $75 |
In 2013 I invested both coin and considerable time into
building a 30 ton hydraulic press for the workshop. The
primary reason was to asssist in compacting blooms from my
iron smelting work. The immense power of the press
suggested other forming possilities, which I started to
slowly explore. The raw power needed to be carefully
controlled, but could allow for the creation of forms
difficult for me to accomplish with simple 'one man
power'. the 'Massive' series required some experiments in
tools and forming dies. Heavy solid blocks of steel are
deformed and shapped, with sockets created that hold a
standard 3/4 decorative candle. Although the results seem
simple enough, the real surprise comes when the
considerable mass of each is found when they are picked
up. |
forged angle & mild steel with decorative paint Summer 2008 $200 Interested? |
This piece was created specifically for the Gallery
presentation at the annual 'Quad State Roundup' held in
September by Ohio Forge & Anvil. (This is a large
regional blacksmith's event, attracting well over 1000
participants.) Every year, in addition to the open categories that display contemporary work, they announce a special theme. That year, the theme was 'hanger'. I normally try to play with theme, concentrating on design concepts, rather than shear technical prowess. 'Hanger for my Autumn Coat & Hat' is a smaller piece, 11 inches at widest and 27 inches long. It uses various application of the shouldering tool to crimp and create 3-D profiles. The piece is painted a very dark brown, with copper highlights in the inside of the 'feathers'. |
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Atlantic Realm No. 3 Fall 2010 forged mild steel and re-bar with natural stone $350 Interested? |
On my trip out to Newfoundland in August 2010, I had
photographed number of pieces of kelp had washed up
while beach combing at Eddie's Cove. On the way home we
had stopped at 'the Arches' Provincial Park. The beach
there is composed of wave rounded stones, ranging from
egg to head sized. I was struck by the complex flowing
patterns on this piece of granite. |
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Winter 2004 Repainted 2015 forged mild steel and angle, decorative paint $1500 Interested? |
This highly forged sculptural piece was intended to act as wall mounted arbour to support roses or other flowering plants. It features the use of the 'feather' technique - aggressively forged angle into the central plant shapes. The total height of this piece is about 1.65 m (5 ft 6 inches). After transporting and exhibiting at a number of major shows, the original painted surface was in need of renewing. In 2015 I re-painted it using a dark green colour overall, with a more subtle use of a lighter green along the main uprights and flash of copper inside the 'feathers'. Further images can be found on the Garden Features sheet
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"Celtic Spirits"
Summer 2005 forged pipe, angle and bar with stone slab top $300 |
'Celtic Spirits' is a combination table or bench that was created in summer of 2005. Continuing my interest in ancient artifact, the inspiration for this piece comes from a Celtic Iron Age chieftain's burial. The artifact was a bronze couch, supported by wheeled figures. Each of the four legs is an interpretation of the figures, rendered in forged tubing. The design is completed with tendril wrapped rods. The angle iron upper frame holds a cut piece of natural stone. The result is can be used either as a small table or bench - suitable for use indoors or out. Top is 18 x 24 inches, which stands 25 inches tall (60 x 45 x 64 cm). |
bloomery iron / carbon
steel core |
'Hector's Bane' shows a combination of
infulences: After some consideration, the polished blade was lightly etched. This resulted in a 'fog' colouration over the surface, a result of the variations in carbon content within the original bloom. |
Winter 2011 welded then forged mild steel plate $175 - this item available Here a series of plates were rough cut
with a torch. The individual plates are welded
together, in this case with weld seams deliberately
rough and applied on both the back, and visible top,
surfaces. One of these seams was folded 'backwards' to
create the ridge visible just off centre. Finally the
attached surface was forged to the bowl shape.
24 x 19 cm, top edge 8 cm high
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Spring 2015 patterned and forged mild steel plate $ 200 - this item available More exploration of the
'lines' technique. Here there was less hammering
over the lines, leaving a more textured surface
25 x 20 cm, top edge 8 cm |
The Wareham Forge
The Hamlet of Wareham, R.R. #2 Proton Station, Ontario
(519) 923-9219 //
![]() Who is Darrell Markewitz? |